Presenter Information

Oral Presentations

Each talk will have a 20-minute time slot (15 minute presentation with 5 minutes allotted for questions).

All Oral (in person and remote) presentation authors are asked to deliver their electronic material in .ppt or .pptx format by Monday, September 25 emailed to: Diane Westerink, The powerpoints will be loaded onto the workshop computer for access during your presentation.

Your presentation powerpoint will be posted online on the website after the workshop, as has normally been the case, unless you request that it not be.

Remote oral presenters are asked to also submit a video recording of their presentation by Monday, September 25, to avoid any technological glitch. Remote oral presenters will be given a log-in for Zoom screen-sharing, but we will have the video recording as back-up.

Poster Guidelines

Note that we have updated the poster numbers P1 - P31. We have also been able to secure space so that the posters can be up the full week. Please plan to put up your posters on Monday morning at break or Monday during lunch (or if you are arriving later, you can put them up when you arrive). We recommend that you attend your posters during at least two of the designated poster sessions. For the remote poster presenters, we will have a computer and zoom link available next to your poster. And, please submit your poster pdf and video by Monday, September 25 as below.

Portrait orientation. Size: Maximum width: 40 inches (101 cm) and maximum height: 60 inches (152 cm) - these measurements will ensure that your poster will fit on the poster stands. Pins will be provided to presenters for displaying their posters.

  • Give yourself a half inch of white space on all sides to the edge of the paper.
  • Presentation should cover the material cited in the abstract
  • Poster must have title and author names and contact info (e-mail)
  • Prepare figures to be size sufficient for viewing at ~2 meters distance
  • Paragraph and caption text should be no smaller than 24-point font, header text ~36-point font

All poster presenters (in person and remote) should provide two thing in advance of the workshop:

A one-page Poster PDF emailed to Diane Westerink, by Monday, September 25. This is the same file that would be prepared to print the poster. The PDF will be used to generate thumbnails displayed in a poster gallery. Please make the file a maximum size of 50 MB.

In addition, all poster presenters (in person and remote) should provide a three-minute video with a PowerPoint accompaniment (limit no more than 4 slides) explaining your poster, and which will be linked to the pdf thumbnail.

The poster gallery with thumbnails and videos will extend visibility to remote participants, and will be available to all registered participants of the workshop.

In person poster presenters will be given a schedule of when and where to hang their posters (schedule coming soon).

Remote poster presenters (only) will have their poster printed by Notre Dame (from the one-page Poster PDF provided by the deadline Monday, September 25) and displayed next to a laptop with a specified Zoom link. Based on the time allotted for your poster session (schedule coming soon), the presenter can either be in person over Zoom during the poster session time slot, or the default can be the three-minute video playing on loop. Please indicate your preference (over Zoom or video) by Monday, September 25.